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carter park dental
3011 columbia st
vancouver, wa 98660

Phone: 360.693.1291

Contact Us


What Are My Teeth Whitening Options?

Teeth whitening is a common, convenient, and affordable option for people seeking a brighter, whiter smile. Carter Park Dental can provide you a variety of options. Learn which teeth whitening option is best for you!

Preventative Care

Will a Crown Damage My Tooth?

In need of a dental crown? Concerned about the procedure? It’s okay, we’ve got you covered! Let the dental health professionals at Carter Park Dental show you what a crown is, what it’s used for, and how we conduct the procedure as comfortably as possible. Our team is effective, precise, and committed to your comfort!


Why Does My Lower Denture Move? How Can I Stop It From Moving?

Wearing lower dentures does not mean that you have to live with discomfort. At Carter Park Dental, we’re here to help you understand why you feel the way you do, how to correct the problem you’re facing, and how to get great dental care when you need it.


My Jaw Hurts. Is There Anything I Can Do to Fix It?

Jaw pain is a common condition for many people. Jaw pain can be caused by a variety of different factors, including TMJ disorders.
Let Carter Park Dental help!


What Can I Do About My Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth can cause real physical and emotional impact on a person. Not only can they make basic things like chewing food difficult but they can also prevent a person from being in the moment and showing off the beauty of their smile.


Are Dental Implants Painful?

There’s a common misconception that dental procedures have to be uncomfortable for patients. At Carter Park Dental, we strive to make our patients as comfortable as possible while providing them the dental care they need to live happier, healthier lives.


How Did I Get Cavities, and Which Fillings Are Best For Me?

Learn about cavities, how they’re formed, how they’re treated, and what else you need to know in order to keep your smile as healthy as possible — from your friends at Carter Park Dental!

Preventative Care